The Importance Of Summer Reading

Reading is an important skill and predictor of academic success because all other subjects hinge on the ability to take in information through reading. Data shows that students who read twenty minutes each day have higher standardized test scores than those who read just five minutes per day!  Reading is important and just because school is out shouldn’t mean that reading stops.
In a recent article iRead Reading Programs shares findings about the benefits of summer reading (Source: Dominican University IMLS-funded research: Public Library Summer Reading Programs Close the Reading Gap),
  • The benefits of summer reading are clear. National research from Dominican University finds that students who participate in public library summer reading programs scored higher on reading achievement tests at the beginning of the next school year than those who did not participate.
  • Studies show that children who are read to in the home and who use the library perform better in school and are more likely to continue to use the library as a source of lifetime learning.
  • The amount of time children spend reading outside of school is linked to gains in reading achievement. Numerous studies show that access to books and magazines is directly related to higher reading achievement.
As the research shows, any type of engagement with reading is beneficial for students.  Let’s encourage the students in our lives to enjoy reading this summer!
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